Fancy Color Palette Light Pink, Tan, Petal Pink, Champagne, & White Black, White, Tan, Gold Turquoise, White, Tan, & Gold Mustard Yellow, White, Tan, & Gold Turquoise, Light Pink, White, Gold, & Petal PinkChocolate Brown, Forest Green, Tan, White, & GoldRed, White, Tan & GoldForest Green, Black, Tan, Gold, & White Royal Blue, White, Gold, Tan, & TurquoiseBlack, Light Pink, Tan, White, Petal Pink, & Gold Tan, White, Gold, Taupe, & ChampagnePetal Pink, Forest Green, Gold, White & Light Pink Tan, Gray, White, & Slate Gray Royal Blue, Light Pink, White, Gold, & Fuchsia PinkOrange, Burnt Orange, Tan, Sage Green, Gold, & Craft Brown Now That You’ve Chosen Your Fancy Picnic Colors It’s Time To Pick A Package! Tap The Button Below to Reserve Your Luxury Picnic Today.Let’s Do It!